Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Technical Report Writing Course Lessons Learned

Technical Report Writing Course Lessons Learned "Risk being unliked. Tell the truth as you understand it. If you’re a writer you have a moral obligation to do this." ~ Anne Lamott After leading technical report writing courseswith large and small companies for nearly 20 years, I have seen a common challenge present repeatedly. Telling the truth can be hard. Conveyingfindings or recommendations that we know aren't welcome can be daunting because no one wants to disappoint people, especially a boss. But, truth in business reports is absolutely essential. There is no way around it. We must be 100% truthful in business reports. If we aren't, the results can be disastrous. A Technical Report Writing Course Story from the Trenches Aplastic-producing company clienttold me they lost their largest customerwhen the polymers the companyproduced broke down ata particular temperature. This shouldn't have happened because extensive testing had been conducted on the polymers, which reportedly had withstood temperatures far in excess of the breakdown point encountered. When we deconstructed the information path backwards from the customer proposal that specified the polymerperformance to production reports to testing reports, we noticed some ambiguity in testing reports. The testing reports didn't overtly state the temperature breakdown point. Instead, it simply stated "acceptable heat tolerance." That vagueness shouldn't have been allowed into production. It did move to production, though,because various readers of the testing reports had different understandingabout the meaning of "acceptable heat tolerance." That was mistake # 1, and was more about accuracy (also critical) than truth.We discovered a bigger truth mistake as we continued to excavate the information path to its source. The person who wrote the testing report confided in me that he felt a lot of pressure to "...approve the testing because we needed to move into production fast to meet order demand. My boss would have been very unhappy with me if I had been the one to identify that this major product really had limited heat application. Our bonuses were tied to our innovation and production." Ugh. A "small" sweep-it-under-the-rug-move-it-along choice eventually cost the company its largest customer and opportunity. The fallout in publicity and liability was far worse than any delay and resolution would have been. The testing engineer rightly lost his job. Nothing good happened by not reporting truthfully. I could tell you story after story I've heard in training sessions and client meetings about the harm of sidestepping difficult issues in reports. Nothing. Let me repeat, nothing, matters more in reports than truth and accuracy. Decisions are made based on reports. If the information is not accurate and truthful, the decisions are based on faulty data or information. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '934718b3-251a-45d6-8853-a7f94e43b92c', {}); Don't be Afraid to ConveyBad Newsin Business Reports Never apologize for delivering "bad news" at work in any circumstance. If it's a good business decision, just state the truthful facts. Apologizing just undermines the good decision. Omitting information is more dangerous than truth. Remember, technical business reports and business reports are used for decision making. If the information in the report is not truthful, the report is dangerous to the company's profit and reputation. It can alsocause potentially dangerous implications when implemented. Another client contacted us afterfor technical report writing training whenmetal triggers they manufactured forlaw enforcement weapons failed to work. The cause was the same. A testing engineer was afraid of being blamed for a production delay and disappointing his boss. (He also reported "there was no place in the report template for the information," but that is a separate report writing issue to address in another article.) A police officer was injured when a weapon he needed defensively failed to work. Truth matters in report writing. "Risk being unliked. Tell the truth as you understand it. If you’re a writer you have a moral obligation to do this." ~ Anne Lamott

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What the Many Worlds Theory Means in Physics

What the Many Worlds Theory Means in Physics The many worlds interpretation (MWI) is a theory within quantum physics intended to explain the fact that the universe contains some non-deterministic events, but the theory itself intends to be fully deterministic. In this interpretation, every time a random event takes place, the universe splits between the various options available. Each separate version of the universe contains a different outcome of that event. Instead of one continuous timeline, the universe under the many worlds interpretation looks more like a series of branches splitting off of a tree limb. For example, quantum theory indicates the probability that an individual atom of a radioactive element will decay, but there is no way to tell precisely when (within those ranges of probabilities) that decay will take place. If you had a bunch of atoms of radioactive elements that have a 50% chance of decaying within an hour, then in an hour 50% of those atoms would be decayed. But the theory tells nothing precisely about when a given atom will decay. According to traditional quantum theory (the Copenhagen interpretation), until the measurement is made for a given atom there is no way to tell whether it will have decayed or not. In fact, according to quantum physics, you have to treat the atomas if it is in a superposition of states - both decayed and not decayed. This culminates in the famous Schroedingers cat thought experiment, which shows the logical contradictions in trying to apply the Schroedinger wavefunction literally. The many worlds interpretation takes this result and applies it literally, the form of the Everett Postulate: Everett PostulateAll isolated systems evolve according to the Schroedinger equation If quantum theory indicates that the atom is both decayed and not decayed, then the many worlds interpretation concludes that there must exist two universes: one in which the particle decayed and one in which it did not. The universe therefore branches off each and every time that a quantum event takes place, creating an infinite number of quantum universes. In fact, the Everett postulate implies that the entire universe (being a single isolated system) continuously exists in a superposition of multiple states. There is no point where the wavefunction ever collapses within the universe, because that would imply that some portion of the universe doesnt follow the Schroedinger wavefunction. History of the Many Worlds Interpretation The many worlds interpretation was created by Hugh Everett III in 1956 in his doctoral thesis, The Theory of the Universal Wave Function. It was later popularized by the efforts of physicist Bryce DeWitt. In recent years, some of the most popular work has been by David Deutsch, who has applied the concepts from the many worlds interpretation as part of his theoretical in support of quantum computers. Though not all physicists agree with the many worlds interpretation, there have been informal, unscientific polls which have supported the idea that it is one of the dominant interpretations believed by physicists, likely ranking just behind the Copenhagen interpretation and decoherence. (See the introduction of this Max Tegmark paper for one example. Michael Nielsen wrote a 2004 blog post (at a website which no longer exists) which indicates - guardedly - that the many worlds interpretation is not only accepted by many physicists, but that it was also the most strongly disliked quantum physics interpretation. Opponents dont just disagree with it, they actively object to it on principle.) It is a very controversial approach, and most physicists who work in quantum physics seem to believe that spending time questioning the (essentially untestable) interpretations of quantum physics is a waste of time. Other Names for the Many Worlds Interpretation The many worlds interpretation has several other names, though work in the 1960s 1970s by Bryce DeWitt has made the many worlds name more popular. Some other names for the theory are relative state formulation or the theory of the universal wavefunction. Non-physicists will sometimes use the broader terms of multiverse, megaverse, or parallel universes when speaking of the many worlds interpretation. These theories usually include classes of physical concepts that cover more than just the types of parallel universes predicted by the many worlds interpretation. Many Worlds Interpretation Myths In science fiction, such parallel universes have provided the foundation for a number of great storylines, but the fact is that none of these have a strong basis in scientific fact for one very good reason: The many worlds interpretation does not, in any way, allow for communication between the parallel universes that it proposes. The universes, once split, are entirely distinct from each other. Again, science fiction authors have been very creative in coming up with ways around this, but I know of no solid scientific work that has shown how parallel universes could communicate with each other. Edited by Anne Marie Helmenstine

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cause and effect of divorce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cause and effect of divorce - Essay Example ons in life, which affect the longevity of marriage unions especially because different individuals have different capacities to withstand such challenges. This paper is a critical evaluation of the causes and effects of divorce. There are various reasons as to why a couple may decide to get a divorce. For example, it is true to say that once a person has decided to get married, he will have made an important choice to be loyal and faithful to the person he or she is going to marry. However, infidelity and adultery have continued to be a major threat to the institution of marriage especially in the contemporary society (Stewart 28). Cheating on a person is absurd and disrespectful and not many people can withstand the pain and agony associated with this shameful act. If proven, infidelity is a justifiable reason for any person to want to terminate a marriage especially in this era of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Domestic violence is an evil, which has continued to ruin marriages throughout the world. 2004 statistics indicate that 17% of divorce cases in the UK were because of one partner abusing the other either physically or emotionally (Lewis 44). Couples are supposed to love and protect each other. However, if a partner becomes a threat then divorce becomes a necessity to avoid complications, which may include disability or death. Every person has weaknesses and it is usually important for a couple to study each other in order to discover them before entering into a lifetime commitment. However, some couples get married without putting this into much thought or thinking that they would eventually help their partners to overcome their shortcomings only to end up being frustrated. Alcoholism and drug abuse are examples of such weaknesses, which have contributed to numerous cases of divorce around the world. Money is important but current trends have proved that it is a major source of conflicts between married couples (Stewart 47). The lack

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Critical Thinking - Essay Example Indeed, the probability of having a true conclusion is also very low and hence the uncogency. Argument 2 The premise of this argument is that Hamilton is in New York State if he is in the United States. Consequently, the conclusion of the argument is that Hamilton is not in New York State since he is not in U.S. This is a deductive, cogent argument. We can derive that the argument is deductive because the premises succeed in supporting and guaranteeing the truth of the conclusion (Bassham et al, 2011). Indeed, since the premises are true, the conclusion is also true. This generates a valid argument. The argument is also cogent since the premises are true and the conclusion has a high probability of being true. Ideally, since the argument is valid and the conclusion is true, then it is a sound argument. Argument 3 The premise of this argument is that Ontario must be in Canada if he is in North America. Consequently, the conclusion of the argument is that Ontario is in Canada since he is in North America. This is a deductive, cogent argument. In this case, the premises succeed in providing strong support for the conclusion thus guaranteeing its truthfulness. Indeed, since the premises are true, the conclusion is also true, and the argument is thus valid. ... Notably, this is an inductive, uncogent argument. Indeed, although some statements are true, the premise is false, and the conclusion is likely to be false. We can establish that the argument is inductive since it depicts a statistical argument, leads to a false conclusion, and its conclusion has an induction indicator word ‘probably.’ Furthermore, the argument is uncogent since it is weak and has at least one false premise. Argument 5 The premise of this argument is that feminism is nonsense because my bartender said so. Consequently, the conclusion of the argument is that feminism is indeed nonsense since my bartender never lies. Notably, this is an inductive, uncogent argument. Assuredly, the conclusion lacks logic and is indeed false since feminism carries a lot of sense. We can establish that the argument is inductive since it depicts a statistical argument and leads to a false conclusion. Indeed, the conclusion does not follow logically from the statements and the bartender has no capacity to discredit feminism. Furthermore, the argument is uncogent since it is weak and has at least one false premise. Indeed, the probability of having a true conclusion is also very low and hence the uncogency. Argument 6 The premise of this argument is that all poker players are card players and some card players are gamblers. Consequently, the conclusion is that all poker players are gamblers. Notably, this is an inductive, cogent argument. Assuredly, the conclusion lacks logic and is indeed false even though the premises are true. We can establish that the argument is inductive since it depicts a statistical argument and leads to a false conclusion. Furthermore, the argument is cogent since it is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Critical Response to Lackoff and Johnson’s Metaphors Essay Example for Free

Critical Response to Lackoff and Johnson’s Metaphors Essay The metaphor is central to human thought. Clearly this is the principle thesis presented in Metaphors We Live By (1980). Indeed, the thesis is contained very clearly within the title of the text. Yet, perhaps the most striking point about the argument presented by these two linguists is expressed in the idea that language is a powerful weapon of force by which human beings live and through which they interact. â€Å"Argument is war† is one statement that expresses this idea quite clearly and is supported by the various examples of argumentative speech that use verbs associated either with physical conquest and overpowering, or with the direct opposite, destruction and overpowered weakness. One of the most compelling aspects of the argument in Metaphors (1980) is the notion that people subconsciously integrate poetic imagination and elaborate rhetoric into their speech, despite the often mundane everyday tasks about which their thoughts and actions revolve. The role of language, then, is deeply questioned. The underlying problem is how we, human beings, relate to the world and each other. The argument from Lackoff and Johnson may be that we conceptualize our lives and thus we relate to the world around us in a conceptual way. There is, however, a difficult in thus attempting to analyze our use of language using language. After all, definitions and functions of words, the very focus of linguistics, all play an integral role in the analytical process of the human mind. It’s something like the linguistic version of the chicken and the egg. Which came first, concepts or language? When we say that time is money and use expressions like, â€Å"you’re wasting my time†, could it be that the notion that time is money emerged as an actual practical consideration and subsequently developed into a conceptual notion? Just as the example of the â€Å"apple-juice-chair†, an apparently absurd phase in general, can have a viable meaning in a given context, it seems plausible that metaphorical concepts such as â€Å"time is money† and â€Å"argument is war†, leading to the extension of the metaphor in language such as â€Å"you’re wasting my time†, could simply have received their contextual relevance over time.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Positive Aspects Of Fraternities :: essays research papers

The Positive Aspects Of Fraternities   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A college fraternity exists on the premise that a man is by nature a social being and needs the companionship with his fellow man. A fraternity provides a structure, and an environment in which close friendships can flourish, Bringing each of the fraternity members closer to themselves. It is by no means the only organization in which a student might mature and develop life long friends. Just one of the many in which minds are shaped and imaginations flourish within its setteings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fraternity, not unlike any other human institution, encourages it members to make a commitment to something outside themselves, such as paticipating in charity events, events to benefit the homeless, raise money for the poor and commit themselves to learn about one another.As a student makes these commitments to a fraternity, the fraternity provides a structure within where these commitments can be acted out, in such things as rituals of pledging and initiation. A ritual is only one way of expressing a fraternities ideals and aspirations. A fraternities name, tradition, and history carries much symbolic importance to all who are apart of it. This is all important to the personoining because it eiil only help the to better themselves by growin into he fraternity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With all these commitments and traditions, or rituals, one could see that fraternity life has a lot behind it and the members take it very seriously. Though at times the fraternity becomes very social and yes alcohol may be consumed, is not , however, the focus of the fraternity. Fraternities offer numerous benefits and building blocks for developing an independent and successful life with many close friends. such as paticipating in charity events, events to benefit the homeless, raise money fo the poor and commit themselves to

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

One Country, Two Systems

One country, two systems â€Å"One country, two systems† is an idea originally proposed by Deng Xiaoping, then Paramount Leader of the People's Republic of China (PRC), for the reunification of China during the early 1980s. He suggested that there would be only one China, but areas such as Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan could have their own capitalist economic and political systems, while the rest of China uses the â€Å"socialist† system. However, Deng rejected the proposed use of such a system for territories that are already under de facto PRC rule, such as Tibet.In the following research paper, the topic will be discussed in two different perspectives, both Hong Kong and Macau. Hong Kong Hong Kong's stability and continued development as an international city since reunification in July 1997 have depended upon the successful implementation of the principle of ‘One Country, Two Systems'. This framework ensures that Hong Kong retains its distinct identity and stren gths as an international business, financial, shipping and aviation centre.The ‘four pillars' of Hong Kong's success remain as relevant and important today as they did five, 10 or 15 years ago. These are: the common law system upheld by an independent judiciary; the free and unfettered flow of information; a level playing field for business; and, a clean, respected civil service. The Basic Law, Hong Kong's constitutional document, has provided the constitutional basis upon which the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has continued to protect its capitalist system, as well as the way of life, the rights and freedoms of its residents.These include: equality before the law, private ownership of property, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement, freedom of religious belief, freedom of academic research and freedom to join trade unions. The courts continue to administer justice independently, while Hong Kong's own police, immigration, customs and excise and anti-corruption of ficers have remained responsible for maintaining law and order in the SAR. Hong Kong continues to maintain its previous economic system. It has maintained its renowned, business-friendly, low-tax system and its own currency, which has been linked to the US Dollar at a rate of US$1 to HK$7. 0 since October 1983. Mainland leaders have scrupulously adhered to a ‘hands off' approach, allowing Hong Kong people to administer their own affairs (except defense and foreign affairs) with the promised high degree of autonomy. As always, Hong Kong people have been quick to speak up if they have perceived that their rights and freedoms, or the systems underpinning Hong Kong society, are in any way being compromised or undermined. Hong Kong people have taken very seriously their role in shaping the SAR and the society in which they live.This has resulted in greater demands from the public and the legislature for an open, accountable and more efficient government. Hong Kong has continued to play an important role in international affairs. It remains an active member, in its own right using the name ‘Hong Kong, China', of the World Trade Organization, the World Customs Organization, the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) forum and the Asian Development Bank and as an associate member of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) of the United Nations.Hong Kong's presidency of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Money Laundering in 2001-02 allowed the SAR to take a leading role in the international fight against terrorist financing in the wake of the September 11 terrorists attacks in the United States. At an Extraordinary Plenary Meeting, chaired by Hong Kong in Washington D. C. in late October 2001, the FATF's remit was expanded beyond money laundering to focus expertise on a world-wide effort to combat terrorist financing.A wide range of special recommendations adopted at the meeting will deny terrorists and their supporters ’ access to the international financial system. Representatives of the HKSAR Government have also continued to participate, as members of delegations of the People's Republic of China, in international organizations and conferences limited to states, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Telecommunications Union.There are more than 130 binding bilateral agreements between the HKSAR and over 50 countries throughout the world. Areas covered in these agreements include air services, visa abolition, investment promotion and protection, surrender of fugitive offenders, mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, transfer of sentenced persons, customs co-operation, and co-operation on information technology and avoidance of double taxation. Hong Kong has also entered into non-binding arrangements with other foreign states, regions and international organizations.The se arrangements are often in the form of a memorandum of understanding and cover a spectrum of topics from co-operation in information and communication technology, environmental protection to cultural exchanges. More than 200 multi-lateral treaties apply to the Hong Kong SAR (of which more than 80 do not apply to the Mainland). They cover many areas such as international crimes, private international law, customs, marine pollution, science and technology, civil aviation, merchant shipping, intellectual property, health, investment, trade and industry, postal services, labor issues, human rights, transport and telecommunications.Hong Kong is home to a large consular corps and several important international organizations. At the end of March 2002, there were 55 consulates general in Hong Kong, 46 honorary consuls and six semi-officials missions. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the European Union, and the Bank for International Settlements, the International Moneta ry Fund and the International Finance Corporation/World Bank all maintain a presence in Hong Kong. Five years after 1997, ‘One Country, Two Systems' is firmly in place and ‘Hong Kong people running Hong Kong' is part of everyday life.With the election of the Chief Executive by an electoral college, a fully-elected legislature and an aggressive, critical media, government operations and policies have been subjected to increasing public scrutiny and pressure. In his Policy Address in October 2001, the Chief Executive Mr. Tung Chee Hwa outlined the government's initial thinking on ways to improve the system of accountability for senior officials. Detailed plans to take effect from July 1, 2002 were subsequently unveiled by Mr. Tung on April 17, 2002.The new system is designed to more clearly define the roles, powers and responsibilities of top government officials. It would also build on the civil service's existing strengths such as permanency, professionalism, neutrality, efficiency and freedom from corruption. Under the present government structure, civil servants play a critical role in the governing team. Policies are formulated by Directors of Bureau (often referred to as Policy Secretaries) and endorsed by the Executive Council (ExCo).Legislation and public expenditure relating to such policy initiatives needs to be scrutinized and passed by LegCo before being implemented by various bureau and departments. During this process, Directors of Bureau have inevitably taken on a political role, which does not gel with the traditional role of the civil service. Civil servants are generally employed on permanent terms. The question is how to improve accountability while at the same time recognize the importance of an impartial, permanent civil service. The new system of accountability announced by Mr.Tung aims to solve this conundrum. Under the new system, the Chief Secretary for Administration, the Financial Secretary, the Secretary for Justice and Di rectors of Bureau will no longer be civil servants but will be appointed on contract terms. They will be accountable to the Chief Executive for the success or failure of matters falling within their portfolios. Significantly, they will all be appointed to the Executive Council to play a direct role in the process of deciding on government policies as well as collectively allocating the resources within the government as a whole.Because of this, government's work will become more streamlined and efficient. This will also provide a better co-ordination in the formulation and implementation of policies. These new Principal Officials will assist the Chief Executive in developing and shaping policies, overseeing the implementation of policies, monitoring the delivery of services by executive departments and explaining developments within their portfolios to gain public support. They will respond to LegCo questions, introduce bills and take part in LegCo motion debates.They will attend me etings of LegCo Panels, subcommittees and committees to participate in discussions on important policies. The new accountability system is consistent with the Basic Law under which Principal Officials are nominated by the Chief Executive for appointment by the Central People's Government. At the policy bureau level they will be supported by Permanent Secretaries, very experienced senior civil servants, in analyzing and defending policies, steering executive departments and managing human and financial resources.Below the policy bureau level, various departments will remain responsible for implementing policies and delivering public services. With a clearer definition of roles, these Principal Officials will operate at the political level while civil servants will be loyal to the government of the day and maintain political neutrality. The merits of the new system are that the Principal Officials' roles and responsibilities are better defined and that they will need to be more accoun table to enlist the support of the legislature and the public.The new system responds to increasing public calls for a higher degree of accountability for principal officials, while maintaining the structure, role and ethos of the civil service. The civil service system will remain intact and there will continue to be a permanent, stable, meritocratic, professional and politically neutral civil service. The new group of Principal Officials will proactively gauge public opinion and strengthen communication with the public to gain a better understanding of community needs and to devise policies fulfilling these needs.They will work more closely with the legislature, proactively seek the views of LegCo members and strengthen communication with the LegCo to ensure a better working relationship between the Executive and Legislature. The new Principal Officials will be able to focus more attention on public demands and needs, and will be able to operate free from the restrictions imposed on civil servants. Macau The development of Macao since its return to the motherland demonstrated the strong vitality of the â€Å"one country, two systems† concept, said Edmund Ho Hau Wah, chief executive of Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) in a special press interview.The concept was proposed by then Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in the early 1980s for the reunification of China. Under the mechanism, Macao retained its capitalist systems after returning to the motherland on Dec. 20, 1999. The per capita GDP of Macao residents in 2008 reached 39,000 U. S. dollars, almost three times the average before its return, according to World Bank figures. The central government adopted a series of measures to support Macao's development.In two meetings with Edmund Ho Hau-wah in December 2008, President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao said the central government would fully support Macao in dealing with the challenges brought about by the global financial crisis. At the end of last year, the central government launched nine measures covering finance, infrastructure, and regional cooperation, funding Macao's small-and-medium-sized enterprises, ensuring Macao's food supply, to help Macao tide over the economic downturn and promote integration of the Pearl River Delta region, which includes Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao.Macao's water supply is at risk of salinization due to drought upriver. The central government and Macao's neighboring province shave adopted relief measures, including the construction of hydroelectric projects to ensure the long-term supply of drinking water to Macao. Government statistics show more than 33 million mainland tourists have visited Macao since 2004 and have generated an estimated revenue of more than 100 billion patacas (12. 66 billion U. S. dollars) — gambling revenue excluded.Under the support of the central government, Macao's land area has increased from 22 square kilometers before its return to about 30 square kilometers. In June, the ninth session of the Standing Committee of China's11th National People's Congress (NPC) passed a bill giving the Macao SAR jurisdiction over a new campus of the University of Macao on Hengqin Island, which was originally part of the southern mainland city of Zhuhai. In 2007, Macao implemented a 15-year free education system, which will run from kindergarten to senior high school. From my own experience, for the past 10 years, the central government has been strictly adhering to the principle of ‘one country, two systems' and the Basic Law of the Macao SAR. The central government has not interfered the inner affairs of the SAR,† said Edmund Ho Hau Wah. After its return to the motherland, Macao successfully held Ministerial Conferences of the Forum on Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries in2003 and 2006 and the East Asian Games in 2005.With the support of the central government, the historic center o f Macao, which is home to more than 20 unique sites demonstrating the assimilation and co-existence of Chinese and Western cultures, has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. â€Å"Since the founding of the Legislative Assembly of Macao Special Administrative Region, Macao has enjoyed complete legislative power and has enacted and amended more than 100 laws, which was quite unimaginable when it was ruled by the Portuguese,† said assembly president Lau Cheok Va.An election committee, responsible for electing the chief executive of Macao SAR, is composed of representatives from a wide range of sectors including industrialists, unionists, public service workers, religious figures and politicians. Dr. Leonel Alberto Alves, a legislator and â€Å"Macaense†(a Portuguese expression for Macao-born Portuguese or Macao-born person of Portuguese and Chinese or of Portuguese and another Asian ethnic group), said an estimated 20,000 â€Å"Macaense† lived in Macao and their rights were fully safeguarded and customs respected since Macao's return to the motherland.Overall, our view remains that the concept of ‘One Country, Two Systems' is an everyday reality in Hong Kong. The rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, which are so vital to Hong Kong's success, are being upheld. Essential rights and freedoms are being protected, and challenges to them fully and freely debated. — UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Mr.Jack Straw, Six-monthly Report on Hong Kong, July-December 2001, presented to the British Parliament, March 2002 Most Western analysts conclude today that the ‘One Country, Two Systems' has permitted Hong Kong to maintain its unique character. Long-term success depends on preserving the quality and integrity of Hong Kong's outstanding cadre of civil servants, the rule of law and an independent judiciary†¦ — US Speaker's Task Force on the Hong Kong Transition, Ninth Repo rt, January 30, 2002

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Estimation Of GFR Kidney Disease Health And Social Care Essay

AbstractionBackgroundPurpose of our survey was to happen out correlativity between estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate ( eGFR ) by Modification of Diet in Renal Disease ( MDRD ) expression and eGFR by Cockcroft-Gault ( CG ) equations, in patients with chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) , and to see whether they can be used interchangeably.MethodWe conducted a cross subdivision survey of 70 patients presented to the nephrology clinic over a period of one twelvemonth. We compared the eGFR by these two expressions in five phases of CKD. Abbreviated 4 variable MDRD expression was used.ConsequenceMDRD consequences were expressed in ml/min/1.73m2 and CG consequences in ml/min. Age scope was 15 – 79 old ages ; Male 49 % , Female 51 % . The correlativity ( R ) between eGFR by MDRD and eGFR by CG for CKD stages 1 to 5 was 0.64 ; 0.31 ; 0.32 ; 0.67 ; and 0.45 severally. The correlativity ( R ) between creatinine clearance by 24 hr urine aggregation to eGFR by MDRD expression was 0.84 ( P: 0.001 ) and to eGFR by CG expression was and 0.79 ( P: 0.001 ) .DecisionWe conclude that Cockcroft-Gault ( CG ) equation correlates best with MDRD expression at CKD phase 4 followed by phase one. Cockcroft-Gault expression underestimated eGFR in phases 1, 2 and 3. We speculate that standardization of Cockcroft-Gault equation to the organic structure surface country of.73m2 will farther better the correlativity but will diminish its utility on bed side. . There is a demand of a big graduated table population based survey to formalize our consequences.Index WORDSMDRD, Cockcroft-Gault, Chronic kidney diseaseIntroduction:Alteration of Diet in Renal Disease ( MDRD ) and Cockcroft-Gault ( CG ) equations are the most common methods of appraisal of Glomerular Filtration Rate ( GFR ) . Both formulas depend upon serum Creatinine to gauge GFR. Creatinine clearance measuring utilizing 24 hours urine aggregation is mostly abandoned in favour of the MDRD and CG expressions. It is chiefly because of the familial troubles in accurate aggregation of 24 hours urine. Cockcroft-Gault expression remained the most common method of bedside appraisal of GFR. It requires weight in add-on to age but still is really easy to utilize without a reckoner or computing machine. This advantage of CG expression is maintaining it alive in spite the of rapid popularity of MDRD expression. Numerous surveies are done to compare these two equations in assorted scenes. However the information from Asia particularly from Pakistan is bare [ 1 ] . Purpose of our survey was to happen out correlativity between the two equations in patients with chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) and to see whether they can be used interchangeably.MethodsWe conducted a cross subdivision survey of 70 patients presented to the nephrology clinic of a third attention infirmary in Karachi Pakistan over a period of 1 twelvemonth from January 2006 to December 2006. Aim of our survey was to happen out correlativity between estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate ( eGFR ) by Modification of Diet in Renal Disease ( MDRD ) and eGFR by Cockcroft-Gault ( CG ) equations in patients with chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) and to see whether they can be used interchangeably. Age scope was 15 – 79 old ages. Male were 49 % , female were 51 % . Patients with acute nephritic failure were excluded. All the patients in the survey were divided into five groups harmonizing to the kidney disease outcome quality enterprise ( KDOQI ) categorization of chronic kidney disease as follows: Group 1: GFR & gt ; 90 ; Group 2: GFR 90 – 60 ; Group 3: GFR 30 – 59 ; Group 4: GFR 15 – 29 and group 5: GFR & lt ; 15 ml/ min/1.73m2. Abbreviated four variable MDRD expression was used.to estimated GFR ( ml/min per 1.73 M2 ) utilizing the equation:186 x [ serum creatinine ( mg/dl ) ] -1.154 x ( age ) -0.203 x ( 0.742 if female ) . Estimated GFR utilizing the CG equation ml/min ) was calculated as follows: ( 140 – age ) ten ( weight in kilogram ) /serum creatinine ( mg/dl ) x 72 ten ( 0.85 if female ) . Measured creatinine clearance was calculated by 24 hr urine aggregation and utilizing the expression: creatinine elimination ( mg/kg per twenty-four hours ) divided by serum creatinine ( mg/dl ) divided by 14.4 ( min/d per dl/ml ) . Data was analyzed utilizing SPSS package.ConsequencesMDRD consequences were expressed in ml/min/1.73m2 and CG consequences in ml/min. Mean GFR by MDRD expression for CKD stages 1 to 5 was 111AÂ ±30, 77AÂ ±24, 39AÂ ±9, 21AÂ ±6 and 13AÂ ±4 severally. Mean GFR by Cockcroft-Gault equation for CKD phase 1 to 5 was 119AÂ ±28, 78AÂ ±13, 43AÂ ±7, 23AÂ ±3 and 12AÂ ±2 severally ( t able 1 ) . The correlativity coefficient ( R ) between eGFR by MDRD and eGFR by Cockcroft-Gault for CKD phases 1-5 was 0.64 ; 0.31 ; 0.32 ; 0.67 ; and 0.45 severally ( table 2 ) . Mean and average eGFR by MDRD was 48AÂ ±40 and 32 ( 58-7 ) severally for all patients. Mean and average eGFR by Cockcroft-Gault was 52AÂ ±42 and 36 ( 197-7 ) severally for all patients ( table 3 ) . The Cockcroft-Gault equation correlated best with MDRD expression at CKD phase four followed by the phase one. The eGFR by MDRD was lesser as comparison to by CG, in phases 1, 2 and 3. The creatinine clearance by 24 urine aggregation was correlated to the eGFR by MDRD expression. The R value was 0.84 with p value of 0.001. Similarly the creatinine clearance by 24 urine aggregation was correlated to the eGFR by CG expression. The R value was 0.79 with p value of 0.001. ( Table 4 )DiscussionAccurate measuring of GFR in chronic kidney disease can non be overemphasized. It is particularly of import when GFR reaches near phase 3 and 4. The of import determination like doing AV fistulous withers and induction of nephritic replacing therapy are taken at this clip. There were more than eight expressions introduced to gauge GFR but merely two viz. Cockcroft-Gault ( CG ) and MDRD got the credence by the medical community. The CG Formula was proposed every bit early as 1976 [ 2 ] . Because of its simpleness and bedside usage, it was readily accepted by the doctors. The CG expression enjoyed this monopoly till the MDRD equation was introduced in 1999 [ 3 ] . Twenty four hr urine aggregation for Creatinine clearance measuring is non method of pick because of several booby traps. The most of import being the 24 hr urine aggregation is frequently non accurate. In add-on the serum creatinine remains within normal scope in early phases of CKD due to increased cannular secernment ensuing in overestimate of GFR. Using Inulin clearance to mensurate GFR is really cumbrous and non practical for everyday clinical pattern. Alternatively, the radioactive and non-radioactive based markers e.g. Iothalamate, Iohexol, DTPA and EDTA are used. The isotope based GFR measurings are thought to be the most accurate but they are dearly-won and non available in many research labs. Therefore their public-service corporation is confined practically to research. They are used as a gilded criterion to formalize the truth of eGFR by MDRD or CG equations. In our survey we still used the traditional 24 hr urine aggregation to cipher creatinine clearance. We were really peculiar and thorough in giving the direction to the patients. The strong correlativity of 24 hr creatinine clearance to eGFR by CG every bit good as MDRD expression goes in favour of our premise that urine aggregation was accurate. MDRD survey equation originally required six variables viz. Serum Creatinine, Serum Albumin, Serum Urea Nitrogen, Gender, Age and Race. Later a simpler four variable equation was proposed and is considered to be a good as six variable equation [ 3 ] . This brief MDRD equation requires Serum Creatinine, Age, Gender and Race merely. It does non necessitate Serum Albumin and Serum Urea Nitrogen. The usage of standardised serum creatinine in re-expressed 4 variable MDRD expression improves the truth [ 4, 5 ] . Surveies have shown that accommodation for organic structure surface country improves the truth of Cockcroft-Gault expression [ 6,7 ] . The demand of this simpler four variable MDRD equation raised due to trouble of utilizing 6 variable equation on bedside. However still its chief drawback remains the demand of a computing machine. There are a figure of surveies comparing the MDRD to CG expression with variable consequences. Following is the reappraisal of some of import surveies. MDRD equation provides indifferent and moderately accurate estimations across broad scope of subgroups when GFR is less than 60 ( CKD Stage 3, 4 & A ; 5 ) [ 8 ] . They besides proved to be dependable for followup in CKD patients in longitudinal surveies [ 9 ] . MDRD equation performed better than CG equation in CKD, when GFR was less than 60 ml/min/ 1.73 M2. On the other manus CG equation performed better in healthy kidney givers [ 10 ] . CG expression was less precise than MDRD equation in most instances with average GFR of 59.8 ml/ min/ 1.73 M2s [ 11 ] . In another survey appraisal of GFR in older patients with CKD and average GFR of 53 ml/ min/ 1.73 m2. , the CG Formula was more precise than MDR Formula [ 12 ] . In diabetic patients MDRD every bit good as CG expression correlated good with isotopic GFR measurings, but MDRD equation turned-out to be more accurate [ 13 ] . In ill hospitalized patients the public presentation of MDRD and CG equation was compared, utilizing Iodine iothalamate as a control. MDRD equation performed better [ 14 ] . MDRD Formula as comparison to CG expression underestimates GFR in healthy persons [ 15 ] . MDRD expression was more accurate than CG expression in ESRD patients. However MDRD expression underestimated GFR when inulin clearance was more than 8 ml/min/1.73 M2 and overestimated GFR when inulin clearance was less than 8 ml/min/1.73 M2. On the other manus CG expression overestimated GFR when inulin clearance was less than 13 ml/mim/11.73 M2. [ 16 ] . In patients with CKD but normal serum creatinine, CG Formula was found to be more accurate than MDRD Formula. Measurement of GFR by endogenous and exogenic filtration markers might be the most prudent scheme [ 17 ] .DecisionWe conclude that CG Formula correlates with MDRD equation best at CKD stages 4 and overestimated GFR at phases 1, 2, 3. The two expressions may be used interchangeably at phase 4 & A ; 1. Measurement of 24 hr urine creatinine clearance may still be dependable if patients are counseled decently. Standardization of GFR for organic structure surface country of 1.73 m2.improves the truth of Cockcroft Gualt expression. We speculate that this in bend will better its correlativity with MDRD expression. However we suspect that perplexing the Cockcroft Gualt expression by including the organic structure surface country in equation will diminish its utility on bed side. It is improbable that MDRD expression will replace Cockcroft Gualt expression in clinical medical pattern shortly because of its dependence upon a computing machine plan.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Trip Essays - 9, The Prisoners, Free Essays, Term Papers

The Trip Essays - 9, The Prisoners, Free Essays, Term Papers Ms. Hoogewerf Writing College Success 18 September 2015 The Trip Tomorrow morning! You guys get up bright and early 8 am tomorrow morning and well go. Andrews dad muttered as he staggered out of the kitchen with another beer in his hand. I was at my friend Andrews house with my other friend Ethan. We were in the middle of discussing our plans for jet-skiing the next morning. I knew the plans werent going to go as planned as his dad was obviously drunk as could be. But we eventually decided to go along with it. After forcing ourselves awake the next morning, we walked into the living room to see his dad crashed on the couch. We waited and waited, he didnt budge. Jet skiing was officially out of the picture. I told you guys he was talking nonsense I muttered to my friends as I headed back to bed. I got up early to see your dad fast asleep in front of the TV? my friend Ethan asked Andrew angrily. You guys want to go to Adventure Island instead? said Andrews mom as she walked into the room. We looked at each other hesitantly. A water park full of scre aming kids who use the pools as a toilet? What could be better on a Sunday afternoon? Sure we said shrugging. We would try to make the best out of it. After an hour or so drive later we were walking into the park. None of us had been there in a while so we didnt know quite where to start. Andrews parents found some seats near the wave pool and set all their things down. You guys meet us back here when the park closes. That was 6 hours from then. We didnt think wed need too much time to slide down some slides and splash water in strangers faces. We picked one direction and ran until we came across something interesting. We stumbled upon the entrance to a slide. This looks decent Andrew claimed. We walked through the entrance and started heading up the long spiraled stairs. Excuse me gentlemen, a line is made to wait in, not cut. We turned around to see a short shirtless man with his 2 kids behind him. And then we saw the people behind his kids. And the people behind them. We had walked by a mile long line without even realizing it. This was going to take a while. 45 minutes later, we were getting ready to slide down. It was one pers on at a time so I decided to go first. I slid down into the dark enclosed tube as water rushed by my sides and splashed into my face. The tube open up halfway through the ride and I could finally see where I was. I stuck my arms out to my sides and gripped onto the sides of the slide. With all my strength, I held myself in place from slipping any further and waited for Ethan to slide down behind me. Surely he wouldnt be expecting this. After a few seconds, he rushed up behind me and screamed as he slammed into the back of me. We laughed hysterically as we continued to hold ourselves from sliding any further. Shortly after Andrew slid down and crashed into Ethan. Whats wrong with you guys?! Andrew yelled. If we dont hurry a whole line of people is going to ram into us! he yelled pushing us forward. We finally let go of the sides and continued to slide down. We picked up more and more speed and finally fell into the pool at the end. You guys cant come down at the same time! yelled the lifeguard to the side of the pool. Sorry! We got stuck! Ethan yelled back as he climbed out of the pool. You guys are idiots, we can get kicked out for things like that Andrew said swimming up behind us. I laughed to myself as I heard him say this. Kicked out of Adventure Island? The whole world is over! I screamed sarcastically. Alright fine, act like animals Andrew said letting out a sigh. I knew we wouldnt get kicked out for spicing the experience up a

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Sun Bear Facts (Helarctos malayanus)

Sun Bear Facts (Helarctos malayanus) The sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is the smallest species of bear. It gets its common name for the white or golden bib on its chest, which is said to represent the rising sun. The animal is also known as the honey bear, reflecting its love of honey, or the dog bear, referring to its stocky build and short muzzle. Fast Facts: Sun Bear Scientific Name: Helarctos malayanusCommon Names: Sun bear, honey bear, dog bearBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 47-59 inchesWeight: 60-176 poundsLifespan: 30 yearsDiet: OmnivoreHabitat: Southeast Asia rainforestsPopulation: DecreasingConservation Status: Vulnerable Description The sun bear has short black fur with a pale crescent-shaped bib that may be white, cream, or golden. It has a short, buff-colored muzzle. The bear has small, round ears; an extremely long tongue; large canine teeth; and large, curved claws. The soles of its feet are hairless, which helps the bear climb trees. Adult male sun bears are 10% to 20% larger than females. Adults average between 47 and 59 inches long and weigh between 60 and 176 pounds. The sun bear has curved claws and an extremely long tongue. Freder / Getty Images Habitat and Distribution Sun bears live in the evergreen tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. Their habitat includes northeastern India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, southern China, and some Indonesian islands. There are two subspecies of sun bear. The Bornean sun bear only lives on the island of Borneo. The Malayan sun bear occurs in Asia and on the island of Sumatra. Diet Sun bears, like other bears, are omnivores. They feed on bees, hives, honey, termites, ants, insect larvae, nuts, figs and other fruit, and sometimes flowers, plant shoots, and eggs. The bears strong jaws easily crack open nuts. Sun bears are hunted by humans, leopards, tigers, and pythons. Behavior Despite its name, the sun bear is largely nocturnal. It relies on its keen sense of smell to find food at night. The bears long claws help it climb and also tear open termite mounds and trees. The bear uses its extremely long tongue to lap up honey from bee hives. Male bears are more likely than females to be active during the day. Although relatively small, sun bears are known to be fierce and aggressive if disturbed. Because they live in the tropics, the bears are active year-round and do not hibernate. Reproduction and Offspring Sun bears reach sexual maturity around 3 to 4 years of age. They can mate at any time of the year. After a gestation period of 95 to 174 days, the females gives birth to one or two cubs (although twins are uncommon). Newborn cubs are blind and hairless and weigh between 9.9 and 11.5 ounces. Cubs are weaned after 18 months. In captivity, male and female bears socialize and jointly care for young. In other bear species the female raises her cubs on her own. The lifespan of highly reclusive wild sun bears is unknown, but captive bears live up to 30 years. Sun bear cubs are born blind and furless. Christian Aslund / Getty Images Conservation Status The IUCN classifies the sun bears conservation status as vulnerable. Bear populations are decreasing in size. The sun bear has been listed on CITES Appendix I since 1979. Threats While it is illegal to kill sun bears throughout their range, commercial hunting is among the species greatest threats. Sun bears are poached for their meat and gall bladders. Bear bile is used in traditional Chinese medicine and is also an ingredient in soft drinks, shampoo, and cough drops. Despite their temperament, sun bears are also illegally captured for the pet trade. The other significant threat to sun bear survival is habitat loss and fragmentation due to deforestation and human encroachment. Forest fires also affect sun bears, but they tend to recover providing there is a neighboring population. Sun bears are kept in captivity for their commercial value and for conservation. They are farmed for their gall bladders in Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar. Since 1994, the species has been part of a captive-breeding program with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the European breed registry. The Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre in Sandakan, Malaysia rehabilitates sun bears and works toward their conservation. Sources Brown, G. Great Bear Almanac. 1996. ISBN:978-1-55821-474-3.Foley, K. E., Stengel, C. J. and Shepherd, C. R. Pills, Powders, Vials and Flakes: The Bear Bile Trade in Asia. Traffic Southeast Asia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, 2011.Scotson, L., Fredriksson, G., Augeri, D., Cheah, C., Ngoprasert, D. Wai-Ming, W. Helarctos malayanus (errata version published in 2018). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T9760A123798233. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T9760A45033547.enServheen, C.; Salter, R. E. Chapter 11: Sun Bear Conservation Action Plan. In Servheen, C.; Herrero, S.; Peyton, B. (eds.). Bears: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. Gland: International Union for Conservation of Nature. pp. 219–224, 1999.Wong, S. T.; Servheen, C. W.; Ambu, L. Home range, movement and activity patterns, and bedding sites of Malayan sun bears Helarctos malayanus in the Rainforest of Borneo. Biological Conservation. 119 (2): 169–181, 2004. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2003.10. 029

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Highest Quality of Under Armour Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 95

The Highest Quality of Under Armour - Case Study Example It is not well established as compared to the established competitors like Nike, Puma, and Adidas, Under Armour is gain, ng lead in the industry. The function is in terms of the products abilities to conform to situations and perform as per the expectations. Since the company concentrates on the American domestic market, the information necessary to pinpoint performance is timely. Domestic sales are an indicator that Under Armour has a small sales volume. Apart from using the function system to pinpoint performance results, the company can use the area and unit system to pinpoint performance results. Benchmarking is essential to any organization (Baiman and Joel pp. 201). While aware of the existing competitors who include Nike, Reebok, Puma, and Adidas among others, the Under Armour, through benchmarking has managed to evaluate its performance. An issue of concern is its high dependence on few third-party suppliers. The competitors rely on a variety of third party providers thus easy to counter pricing and ensure efficient product distribution all over the market segments. Under Armour suffers massive losses because of relying on few suppliers who end up demanding high prices. Should the demand for suppliers’ products exceed what the company supplies, it can end up affecting its operations due to reduced access to supplies and raw materials. A key measure and standard that Under Amour upholds is obeying laws and regulations. It is an important element in its code of ethics. Launching of a new product in market demands Under Armour to observe standards of identifiability, accessibility, substantiality, and measurability. It is an indicator to show the company’s ability to assess response patterns and incorporate marketing mix in its standards. Trough this information, Under Armour can segment its market and strive to attain a competitive advantage. The strategy is in line with its recommended strategic plan, which has a passionate taglineâ€Å".

Friday, November 1, 2019

How does globalization affect the environment Essay

How does globalization affect the environment - Essay Example One area of human life that has experienced heavy issues due to globalization is the environment in which human beings live. Policy makers, environmentalist and other stakeholders have attacked globalization for impacting human environment in a negative manner. Body Disadvantages One of the main impacts of globalization is that globalization has led to increase in the spending ability of all individuals and have led to elevation in the consumption levels of human beings and this has impacted the ecological system in a negative manner. Increase in income level have made people demand for more goods and services and this has led to decrease in the natural resources that are offered by the environment. With the increase in demand for goods and services, there has been an increase in the transfer of natural resources from one region to another. Before globalization started spreading, people used to be dependent on their local manufacturers and service providers for goods and services. No w due to decrease in boundaries, people have started demanding for goods and services that are developed in foreign regions. To transfer goods and services, heavy amount of fuel is consumed which has led to degradation of the environment due to increase in pollution. The fuel used in transportation of goods has led to increase in the amount of fossil fuels burned to produce fuel. ... s waste is being dumped in oceans and this dumping process has ruined the underwater life and has led to increase in chemicals being deposited to oceans. For example: during the period of 2010, oil spill from the containers of British Petroleum ended up damaging the ocean in a very negative manner and this happens to be one of the several harmful effects of globalization on the environment (Cook, 2010, p.214). Increase in industrialization along with globalization has led to an increase in the amount of chemicals that are dumped into soil and due to this several plants as well as weeds have been produced. The waste that is toxic in nature and is dumped in soil has severally damaged plant life and had interfered with the natural way of growth of plants. Throughout the world heavy cut down of forests are taking place as wood obtained from forests is used in production of several goods such as furniture and paper. Due to this, carbon dioxide in the environment has increased and release of oxygen by plants has decreased. Similarly, cut down of mountainous regions have even been conducted to create new roads and for real estate purposes and this has long term negative impacts on human health. Plastic is being heavily used throughout that world for several purposes such as packaging and this plastic is not renewable in nature. Plastic is used in then discarded in form of waste which is negatively impacting the environment. Plastic bags tend to enter water lines as well as beaches and as plastic waste is burned, it result in emission of fumes that are toxic in nature and these fumes tend to impact the environment in a negative manner. According to Savedge, more than 100,000 marine animals experience death or are murdered by animals as they dump plastic bags in oceans and